Where the journey of a thousand miles begin with one step


Founder/Director Aug 2022 - Present

  • Conducted surveys from 100+ consumers to understand market demands for our hometown's handmade products 

  • Interviewed 10+ local artists, suppliers, and retailers (both current and bankrupted businesses) to understand the root causes for the dying of our traditional art ecosystem

  • Create videos & social network contents to raise awareness for the history and beauty of traditional handicrafts

  • Mobilizing support from local governments and businesses to create an online unified marketplace (in progress)


School student council is an organization of leaders among the school, where members will work together to orchestrate school events and discuss suitable models for students’ overall growth.

Vung Tau Secondary School:                                                        Member: 2017 - 2019                        |  President: 2019 - 2021                      Le Quy Don High School for the Gifted:                                                        Member: 2021 - 2022                          |  President: 2022 - Present

  • Renovated the organization structure of student council to remove barriers, increase inclusivity and productivity

  • Raised funds and advocated for expanding the diversity of our school’s clubs and activities:

    • Student’s activities budget increased by 60%

    • 10+ new school clubs established in the past 2 years

  • Orchestrated the organization of school events (Annual Camps, Festivals, Proms, Commencements, etc.)

  • Represented the student body of Le Quy Don high school in major provincial and regional events and activities

VTDC is the very first student-led debate organization in Ba Ria - Vung Tau with the aim to spread debate and its values to the local community.

Founder/Head Organizer Apr 2023 - Present

  • Publish educational posts & organize debate workshops

  • Negotiated and invited experienced debaters across Vietnam to be our long-term trainers

  • Raised $4,000 USD from local businesses to launch the very first Vung Tau Debate Camp with 100+ participants, capturing the attention of both regional & national media outlets | Link 1 | Link 2

  • Recognized as a Successful & Pioneering Project by Vung Tau Communist Youth Union (VTCYU)

The Apricity Organization (TAO) is a non-profit & charity organization aims to empower the lives of disadvantaged children throughout Ba Ria - Vung Tau province

Founder/Head Organizer May 2022 - Present

  • Lead 40 students of different schools over 5 departments

  • Organized bi-weekly volunteering events and classes for over 50 disadvantaged & illiterate children at the provincial child protection center.

  • Donated over $1,000 USD for the provincial child protection center with revenues from selling handmade keychains and bracelets.

  • Raised $1,700 USD from 40+ businesses to successfully organize the Apricity Entrepreneurship Kid Camp to teach local children about the advantages of thinking entrepreneurially from a young age.

The Apricity Organization (TAO) is a non-profit & charity organization aims to empower the lives of disadvantaged children throughout Ba Ria - Vung Tau province

Co=founder/Co-Head Organizer Oct 2022 - Present

  • Publish quality educational posts on a weekly basis 

  • Organize 10+ workshops & fundraising events in the past 2 years

  • Signed a $1,500 USD partnership contract with DOL English - a leading English center in Vietnam

  • Negotiated and invited Mr. Nguyen Van Thu - Chairman of GCFood JSC as our speaker for a big Finance workshop

  • Raised over $800 USD for disadvantaged women in Tanzania


MATH MODELLING PROJECT (TAO) is a non-profit & charity organization aims to empower the lives of disadvantaged children throughout Ba Ria - Vung Tau province

Vice-head of Marketing Department/Ambassador May 2022 - Present

  • Work online from Vung Tau, lead team members to organize traditional offline & online mathematics competitions with a total value of prizes of up to $1,800 USD

  • Build contents & publish occasional educational posts on the project’s social media platforms